FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that cause severe stomach pain in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including constipation, gassiness, and bloating. An abbreviation for fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols is “FODMAP.” They can be discovered in a wide range of foods. Consequently, a diet that forgoes or restricts FODMAP-rich foods may help treat IBS.

You might be curious about whether sweet potatoes have low or high FODMAP counts given that high-carb foods, such as root vegetables, contain varied quantities of FODMAPs. This article explains the FODMAPs in sweet potatoes and offers advice on how to eat them when following a low-FODMAP diet.

Are there FODMAPs in sweet potatoes?

Only trace quantities of FODMAPs are present in sweet potatoes. This root vegetable, which is also known as a ground provision in the Caribbean, is a great source of fiber and beta carotene, which your body uses to make vitamin A. It might have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar-lowering properties.

Sweet potatoes contain up to 80% carbohydrates, including fiber, resistant starches, and sugars like fructose and glucose. One of the FODMAPs, fructose, causes stomach discomfort in persons with IBS, but only when the meal consumed has a greater fructose-to-glucose ratio. Sweet potatoes are a low FODMAP food because their main sugars are sucrose, maltose, and glucose, with smaller quantities of fructose than glucose.

Additionally, the low FODMAP diet was developed by Monash University, which often lists potatoes on its list of low FODMAP foods. Serving size, though, counts. If consumed in excessive quantities, a low FODMAP meal can turn into a high FODMAP.

According to several sources, like the Monash University FODMAP app, cooked sweet potatoes weigh 1/3 cup (100 grams) and 1/2 cup (75 grams) and contain low and moderate amounts of FODMAPs, respectively.

Yam versus sweet potato

Although both sweet potato and yam are root vegetables, they differ in a number of ways. While yams (Dioscorea species) have white or purple meat and brown skin, sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) can have flesh that is any color but white, purple, orange, or yellow. Yams are larger than sweet potatoes and have rough skin.

Nutritionally speaking, yam has more fiber and vitamin C per 3/4 raw cup (100 grams) than sweet potato, which is also lower in carbohydrates. Both are high in carbohydrates, although sweet potato only provides 50% resistant starch compared to up to 85% in yam.

FODMAP fructan can also be found in yam. Yam has eight times less sugar than sweet potatoes, and although data on its fructose-to-glucose content isn’t easily available, it probably also has less fructose. When consumed in tiny amounts, like 1/2 cup (75 grams) cooked, both vegetables are low in FODMAPs.

But according to the Monash University app stated above, sweet potato is moderate in FODMAPs at 2/3 cups cooked, whereas yam is lower in FODMAPs and only becomes a moderate FODMAP item at 2 cups cooked (300 grams) (100 grams). So, yams are a better option than sweet potatoes if you need to keep your FODMAP intake extremely low.

Advice on including sweet potatoes into a low-FODMAP diet

Here are several low FODMAP diet-friendly ways to eat sweet potatoes:

Consult a trained nutritionist for advice (RD). According to studies, when a dietitian assists you with meal planning, you’ll stick to the low FODMAP diet more consistently.

Serving size is important. You should only consume 1/2 cup (75 grams) of cooked sweet potato per serving. Think of this root vegetable as a side dish rather than the main carb.

Limit foods high in FODMAPs. Avoid seasoning sweet potatoes with ingredients rich in FODMAPs, such as onions and garlic (5Trusted Source).

Ensure that the remainder of your meal is low in FODMAPs. To ensure your symptoms are under control, combine sweet potatoes with other low-FODMAP foods.

In conclusion

FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that can make IBS sufferers experience severe bloating, gassiness, and constipation symptoms.

Fructose, a kind of FODMAP, is present in sweet potatoes although in very minute amounts. Although it is a food that is low in FODMAPs, you should think about limiting your intake to 1/2 cup (75 grams) cooked. Yam has a lower FODMAP content in comparison. On a low FODMAP diet, you might be able to eat more of it.

When following a low FODMAP diet, sweet potatoes should only be eaten as a side dish. Make sure to serve it with additional low-FODMAP dishes.



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