You probably think of your pet when you think of fleas.

Because their fur and feathers make it simple to conceal themselves and breed, fleas typically reside on dogs, cats, other warm-blooded animals, and birds.

Fleas are tiny, wingless, brown parasites that feed on blood by biting the skin.

But you can also get bit by fleas.

Even though they won’t stay on your body, you could nonetheless encounter adverse effects.

A pet or other animal may bring a flea to you because it can jump up to 13 inches.



✅ Although they can bite people, fleas reside on and in animals and their sleeping areas.

Flea bites can be uncomfortable and lead to a more serious medical problem that needs medical attention.

 Keep your home clean and periodically check your dogs for fleas to lessen the likelihood of an infestation.


Can humans get a dog or cat fleas?

Despite not living on people, fleas are nonetheless capable of biting us. Cat fleas are the most prevalent flea in the US. Don’t be misled by the name; they may survive on both cats and dogs. Dog fleas do exist, however, they are less prevalent in the United States. Fleas can live on rodents, animals, and other mammals and birds. Fleas come in 2,500 different varieties worldwide.

Some animals’ fur or feathers are what attract fleas to them. They can conceal and eat by burrowing inside their fluffy bodies. They then lay eggs, which following the larval and pupal stages, eventually hatch. Your pet may have a flea infection as a result of this cycle, which may require treatment.

Because humans don’t have thick hair like animals have and it’s very challenging for fleas to breed without the protection of fur or feathers, they cannot live on people. According to a laboratory experiment, a flea needs to feed on a person for a continuous period of 12 hours in order to have the possibility to develop viable eggs. A flea would very rarely be able to feed on a person for that long before being discovered and eliminated.


Can fleas live in human hair?

On humans, fleas do not live. They typically leap from an infected pet or another animal, but it’s most likely from an infected pet bed, and bite down at the feet, ankles, and legs.


How long do fleas survive on people?

A flea is quite unlikely to remain on your body for any length of time. Humans are unable to lay eggs or reproduce on a regular cycle because they lack the fur and feathers that other animals and birds do. Before a flea has a chance to reproduce, you will probably wash or scrape it off.


Can people move from one home to another with fleas?

The flea rarely spreads from one body to another. An animal or person is more prone to contract fleas from places where animals congregate and sleep. Bringing a pet bed with fleas into a new house could transmit the infestation to other areas.


Do fleas bite people?

People can get bit by fleas, who typically attack the legs, ankles, and feet. Three bites in a row is possible. “Breakfast, lunch, and dinner” refers to this. Normally, the first few bites do not result in a skin lesion, but after being exposed to fleas for a while, a person develops a hypersensitive reaction.

The visual effects of a flea bite may last a few days, but if you are particularly sensitive to the bites or if the region gets infected, they could develop worse.

What other risks may fleas present to people, pets, or homes?

Fleas are more than just a bother. They can actually lead to a number of serious illnesses, and if the infestation is so bad that it affects the animals’ general health, they might even be fatal.


Illnesses spread by fleas

Flea bites have the potential to spread a number of different diseases. The most typical in the United States are as follows:

The plague (in western states)

Typhoid (in southern states)

These two bacterial-based illnesses both call for medical intervention, such as antibiotics.


Allergic responses

As a result of your body’s powerful reaction to the flea’s saliva, a flea bite may result in an allergic reaction to your skin. Flea allergy dermatitis can result from an allergic reaction to the bite. This may lead to:

  • red, inflamed skin
  • Severe itching
  • hives
  • infection

Animals might experience allergic reactions to flea bites as well. An animal may scratch bites in response to an allergic reaction to the point that its skin becomes sore or becoming bald.


Tapeworm dangers

Tapeworms may be carried by fleas. A tapeworm can develop if a flea is consumed by you or an animal. Children might be more likely to consume a flea unintentionally. While the presence of something white and like a pumpkin seed in the feces of you or your pet may not always indicate the presence of tapeworms, it is possible. If you have any doubts, consult a physician or a veterinarian.


What to do if you have a flea infestation

If you think your pet may have a flea infestation, you should treat your entire home as well. There are various ways to attempt flea removal. To get rid of fleas on your pet,

  • Ask your veterinarian for advice on the safest and most efficient flea elimination technique.
  • If you’re grooming your pet, use a flea comb.
  • When giving your pet a wash, leave the soap on them for at least 5 or 10 minutes.
  • Use a flea medicine that a veterinarian has prescribed to get rid of fleas.
  • Carefully follow the directions on any over-the-counter flea products.
  • To keep your pet safe, avoid getting flea removal in their mouth, nose, or eyes.
  • When using flea removal products on oneself, wear gloves and other protective clothing.

To get rid of fleas in or around your house

  • Use hot water to wash cloth toys and mats, as well as pet beds.
  • Thoroughly vacuum the area, then empty the trash into a plastic bag, seal it, and throw it away outdoors right away.
  • Be cautious to use pesticides that won’t hurt pets when applying them to baseboards.
  • Regularly clean all upholstered surfaces, including furniture, rugs, carpets, and window coverings.
  • Seal up any openings that animals could use to enter or get close to your home.
  • Clean up the debris around your home.

If you believe you have a significant flea infestation, contact a pest control provider.


How to keep fleas out of your home?

There are various techniques to keep fleas out of your house, including:

  • routinely inspecting your pet for fleas
  • maintaining the sleeping quarters of your pet
  • keeping your pet out of areas where it can encounter fleas from other animals, such as crawl spaces or barns



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