Everyone agrees that consuming olive oil will benefit your skin in the long run, and Scientists at least even agree with that.
It’s a well-liked substitute for using other oils when tanning.
Despite the fact that some people vouch for it, professionals caution against oil tanning.
So, is olive oil no longer acceptable? Here is what the professionals believe
✅ According to experts, olive oil may hasten the process of tanning, but that’s not always a good thing.
✅ There is no risk-free way to tan, and there is no proof that rubbing olive oil on the skin topically lowers the risk of UV damage, such as skin cancer, ageing, and blistering.
✅ Any oil immediately draws dangerous UV rays to the skin, raising the risk of skin cancer.
✅ Although tanning may be aesthetically pleasing, using self-tanning products or homemade recipes is the safest approach to achieve a glow.
✅ When outside in the sun, experts advise using at least an SPF 30 sunscreen.
Is it considered safe?
The quick response: No, tanning is not thought to be safe, whether or not you use olive oil. Free radicals are partially to blame for this.
According to board-certified dermatologist Milton D. Moore, MD, RPh, free radicals are molecules that include oxygen and an unbalanced number of electrons. They are easily reactive with other molecules and can lead to chemical reactions or oxidation inside the body.
Alexis L. Parcells, MD, a board-certified plastic surgeon and skin care expert and the proprietor of Parcells Plastic Surgery, notes that UV radiation, such as those from the sun, “produce free radicals” when they come into contact with the surface of our skin.
“These free radicals alter how your DNA replicates over time, leading to mutations or precancerous cells that can develop into cancerous cells.” Free radicals are said to be able to be neutralized by the polyunsaturated fats in olive oil during the tanning process, protecting the skin from being harmed.
According to Parcells, there is no research to support this assertion, hence it is unsupported.
The Skin Cancer Foundation concurs, cautioning that tanning inside or outdoors destroys cells and raises your risk of developing melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.
There is no risk-free technique to tan, claims Parcells.
Does olive oil aid with tanning?
Even though tanning is frequently regarded as being more aesthetically pleasing than a bright-red sunburn, it still causes UV damage.
It may result in detrimental outcomes such as peeling, sunburn, leathery dry skin, sunspots, heat rash, hyperpigmentation, and a higher chance of developing skin cancer. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, tanning can hasten the ageing process of the skin and raise your chance of developing skin cancer.
According to Moore, olive oil can increase your risk of getting sunburn because it attracts UV rays. He also cautions against using heavy olive oil since it might clog pores, especially those on the face. Moore also mentions that some people dislike the scent that olive oil gives out on their skin. Italian food is available.
Even so, using olive oil on your skin will hasten the tanning process compared to using only sunscreen or no oil at all.
How does it function? According to Moore, olive oil swiftly draws UV rays to the skin like other oils do. “Most oils are going to speed up the process, regardless of the type of oil you put on the skin,” he continues.
Advantages of OA without the sun
When the sun is not present, there are certain advantages to applying olive oil to your skin. According to a research trial conducted in 2019, using olive oil topically could aid in the prevention of pressure ulcers. Additionally, it may result in smoother, softer skin.
You could enjoy the way olive oil makes you feel and look, according to Moore. The polyunsaturated fats might “give the skin a beautiful gloss,” according to Moore.
What to anticipate when tanning with olive oil
You’re taking a chance if you decide to use olive oil to get a tan. You should start noticing your skin tanning within 30 minutes, according to Jennelle Kim, DACM, LAc, the company‘s creator and chief formulator.
According to Moore, at this point, you can also start noticing redness. Get out of the sun as quickly as you can if you realize that your skin is turning red. You’re starting to burn, so that’s a warning. Sunburns can hurt and take many days to recover from. Also, keep in mind that even tanned skin has been harmed.
Can you use sunscreen and olive oil together?
If you’ll be outside in the sun for whatever reason, Moore advises using at least an SPF 30 sunscreen. However, Parcells warns against combining olive oil and chemical-based sunscreen.
According to her, chemical-based sunscreens have active components such as avobenzone, homosalate, octisalate, and octocrylene. For these chemicals to work, your skin must thoroughly absorb them.
According to her, using olive oil can “create a barrier on your skin, preventing these compounds from penetrating and functioning correctly.” Olive oil with mineral sunscreen *might* be a safer choice, however, there is no proof of this.
Mineral-based sunscreens need not be absorbed, according to Parcells. They contain components that sit on top of your skin and physically reflect the sun’s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
It may be acceptable in this situation to put a little amount of olive oil into your usual moisturizer before applying a mineral-based sunscreen, according to Parcells. Board-certified dermatologist Anna Chacon, MD, of My Psoriasis Team, concurs that tanning oneself while in the sun while wearing olive oil is risky.
But she claims that you can use olive oil safely to achieve a truly healthy glow. She advises using self-tanners without getting too much sun. Popular choices are Bondi Sands Self Tanning Foam and Jergens Natural Glow Instant Sun Sunless Tanning Mousse.
You can also try one of our recommendations. With the recipes shown here, you can even create your own. Using olive oil after exposure to the sun may offer some benefits for sun aftercare, according to Parcells.
It has fatty acids and antioxidants, she claims. These could aid in reducing skin redness, sunburn, dryness, and other irritation-related symptoms. Using olive oil after sun exposure may help prevent further damage even if there is no evidence to support claims that it neutralizes free radicals, which is what some people claim.
According to a study done on mice in 2000, using olive oil topically after exposure to the sun greatly slowed the growth of skin tumours. After being in the sun, Moore advises putting a thin layer of extra-virgin olive oil to your skin to ward off any possible dryness.
According to Moore, “it will give the skin hydration.” Olive oil will prevent the skin from peeling if “your skin flakes or gets dry and inflamed.”
Coconut oil versus olive oil
According to Moore, coconut oil is similar to olive oil in terms of consistency and impact on the skin. If you use it, you’ll burn or tan more quickly.
According to a study conducted in 2018, virgin coconut oil can reduce inflammation when applied directly to the skin.
Due to the lack of SPF in coconut oil, Parcells advises against using it for tanning.
Baby oil vs. olive oil
If consumers apply baby oil to their skin, Moore says they can also anticipate a speedier tan, but he adds that some people experience pore clogging.
Additionally, Parcells advises avoiding using it at all for tanning.
According to Parcells, “all oils in their undiluted natural state… lack SPF to defend against harmful UV and UVB rays.” As most tanning oils offer some form of UV protection, even if it’s only SPF 10 or SPF 20, they could be viewed as less safe.