During pregnancy, you may have heard the term “bed rest,” but what about “pelvic rest”?

If pelvic rest was recommended for you throughout your pregnancy, you might be unclear about what it exactly entails.

Continue reading to learn how to maintain the health and safety of both you and your unborn child as well as what to watch out for up to birth.



Do not become alarmed if you are placed on pelvic rest while pregnant.

Pelvic rest is typically only used as a preventative measure, and in certain circumstances, the limitation is only temporary.

✅ Your physician might just put you on pelvic rest for a brief period of time. 

✅ When you are on pelvic rest, be sure to discuss with your doctor how to keep active and healthy during your pregnancy as well as any potential concerns.


Pelvic rest, what is it?

Pelvic rest is the term used to denote delaying the insertion of anything into a pregnant woman’s vagina in order to avoid medical issues. This entails refraining from sexual activity, minimizing procedures like obstetrical checks for dilation, and perhaps avoiding workouts that could put a strain on the pelvic floor.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, research has not demonstrated that foregoing sex will effectively assist in reducing pregnancy problems, preterm labor, or early birth. However, in some circumstances, they continue to advise pelvic rest.


Why do some women need to relax their pelvis?

There are numerous distinct pregnancy-related issues that could call for pelvic rest. Here are some illustrations.

Fully Previa placenta

Placenta previa refers to the condition in which the placenta lies across the base of the cervix rather than on the side of the uterus. It can be a full placenta previa, in which case the entire cervix is covered, or it can be a partial previa, in which case only a portion of the cervix is covered. This indicates that having sex has the potential to irritate the cervix and harm the placenta, which could result in bleeding or perhaps push you into labor. Full placenta previa will necessitate a cesarean birth for the mother.


It’s uncommon, but some pregnant women may already have a hernia or develop one throughout their pregnancy. It could increase their risk of experiencing pregnancy-related issues including preterm labor.

Doctors can advise pelvic rest if the hernia is located in a region where a woman is vulnerable to preterm labor.

Cervical problems

A shortened cervix or an “incompetent” cervix, sometimes known as an inadequate cervix, are examples of cervical problems. Cervical insufficiency has no clear cause or mode of occurrence, according to doctors.

Insufficiency in the cervical region is particularly risky. Cervical dilatation without regular contractions or pain is one of the classic indications. In other words, without your knowledge, your cervix starts to open up like you’re going to give birth.

As a result, it’s crucial to follow your doctor’s instructions on pelvic rest. Additionally, pay special attention to any indications that you might be entering labor.

Being susceptible to premature birth

Again, studies haven’t demonstrated that having sex may induce labor or that restricting a pregnant woman’s activities is actually beneficial. However, many doctors still put women who are at high risk for preterm birth on pelvic rest, just in case.


How does pregnancy impact pelvic rest?

You don’t have to give up all physical activity while pregnant if you’re on pelvic rest. Because pelvic rest is different from bed rest, you can continue to carry out all of your regular daily activities. Simply be cautious to avoid engaging in sexual activity or putting undue strain on the pelvic region.

You can discuss safe exercises you can perform to keep your health throughout pregnancy with your doctor.


When should I go and visit a doctor?

If you are pregnant and on pelvic rest, you should contact a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms: fluid or bleeding from your vagina, early contractions, back pain, a cervical cerclage that is no longer properly placed, having sex, or suffering an accident or injury, such as falling or being involved in a car accident.


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