Your cervix, which is located at the top of your vagina, is the lower end of your uterus.

Depending on things like where you are in your menstrual cycle, whether you are pregnant; it might be closed or open, high or low, and soft or hard.

The cervix is typically closed and firm in most people, but it opens during menstruation to let blood out.

The cervix expands during childbirth to allow the baby to pass through.



Your cervix naturally becomes softer during pregnancy for this to occur.

Your cervix will feel like an immature piece of fruit when it is solid. It feels more like ripe fruit when it softens. 

A soft cervix feels like your lips, whereas a solid cervix may feel like the tip of your nose.


In your pregnancy

Your cervix will become high and soft in the early stages of pregnancy. One of the first events following fertilization is this. Afterward, your cervix will harden but remain high. The cervix will once more get softer as your pregnancy goes on, which facilitates birthing. The cervix thins (effaces) and opens as it softens (dilates).

This is a typical aspect of being pregnant. Preterm labor, however, can occur if your cervix opens or becomes too soft at an early stage. The term “cervical insufficiency” or “incompetent cervix” refers to this disorder. Most of the time, cervical insufficiency has no identified cause.

However, some illnesses, such as connective tissue abnormalities, and prior cervical injuries can increase your risk.

Early on, cervical insufficiency may not show any signs, therefore it’s crucial to receive frequent prenatal care. If you do have this problem, this will aid your doctor in identifying it and treating it quickly.

Symptoms Should you experience any, they may include spotting, or light bleeding; back pain; pressure in the pelvis; and cramping.


A premature opening and softening cervix can be treated. This includes bed rest, progesterone injections, regular ultrasound monitoring, cervical cerclage, in which the medical professional inserts a stitch to keep your cervix closed until you are nearing full term.

The course of your treatment will depend on underlying health issues and how far along you are in your pregnancy.


In the absence of pregnancy

You might have been informed by your physician that your cervix is soft. Or, if you employ specific reproductive techniques, like the cervical mucous approach, you might have experienced it. Your cervix can simply be naturally soft in either case.

If you aren’t pregnant, you shouldn’t be concerned about this. Although it could be problematic if you become pregnant, not everyone who has a naturally soft cervix experiences issues.

During certain phases of your menstrual cycle, your cervix also softens. The cervix grows higher and frequently softens during ovulation. More mucus is produced, and it opens up so that sperm may contact an egg and fertilize it. Be aware that the majority of hormonal birth control techniques prevent ovulation.

Your cervix will descend and harden after ovulation. As your period approaches, it may be low but continue to be gentle. Your cervix will open to allow menstruation to occur if fertilization did not take place during ovulation, but it will remain low and hard.


What that might imply

Your risk of preterm labor may increase if your cervix is soft. If you’re expecting a child, your doctor may recommend treatment to keep your cervix closed and hard and lower your chance of premature labor.

Your cervix may just feel softer now if you had a history of cervical insufficiency during pregnancy but are not currently pregnant. When you aren’t pregnant, this isn’t a concern, but if you do become pregnant again, be sure to let your doctor know about your past.


When should I visit a doctor?

The majority of the time, a doctor will make the discovery that your cervix is soft. If necessary, they can make recommendations for medical care.

However, you should contact a doctor if you regularly examine your cervix and begin to notice that it is softer than it typically is at a specific time of the month or if you have other cervical changes. While a soft cervix alone is typically not a cause for concern, it is always a good idea to get any changes in your body examined.


In conclusion

Typically, a soft cervix is nothing to be concerned about. In actuality, during ovulation, your cervix naturally becomes softer. Additionally, as pregnancy advances, it becomes softer.

A soft cervix, however, can increase your chance of preterm labor if you’re pregnant and not quite at term. Consult your doctor about treatment options if you are pregnant and you are aware that your cervix is soft.



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