The allergic salutation may be to blame if you or your child has an indentation over the bridge of the nose.

The nasal or allergy crease is the name of this distinctive line.

It is brought on by the repetitive upward rubbing of the nose with the hands or fingers.

The majority of people who develop a nasal crease frequently have itchy, runny, or congested noses, such as those who have allergic rhinitis.

While the crease frequently disappears on its own, in adulthood it can occasionally stay for good.

We’ll talk about the allergic salute, the nasal crease, and how to avoid both in this article.



The allergic salute can be used to wipe the noses of both adults and kids who suffer from allergies.

Small allergic wrinkles usually go away by themselves.

Dermatological treatments are available to lessen or eliminate their appearance. 

Your best hope for avoiding nasal wrinkles is to consistently avoid environmental allergens or to treat them with medicine.


What causes creases in your nose?

Nasal wrinkles are typically linked to disorders like allergic rhinitis when your nose is frequently itchy and runny. Dust mites, animal dander, pollen, and mold spores are a few of the most prevalent environmental allergens.

It can be annoying to have a runny, itchy nose, especially if there are no tissues nearby. Those who suffer from allergic rhinitis may feel the urge to rub or scratch frequently during the day. Some people give the allergic salute to calm an itchy, drippy nose.

The allergic salute is the upwards swiping of the hands’ palms or fingers along the nose’s tip while inhaling. The nose is compelled to tilt upward by this movement.

The allergic salute may result in the formation of a horizontal line above the nostrils if practiced repeatedly over an extended length of time. The allergy or nasal crease is the name of this crease.

It is possible for the nasal crease to be hypopigmented, or lighter than the skin around it. Additionally, it may be hyperpigmented or darker than the nearby skin. The allergic salute may be overused more frequently among children than among adults. As a result, nasal wrinkles are typical in children, especially in those who suffer from allergies.


What is the remedy for nasal creases?

The age of the person who has a nasal crease determines how to cure it.

Treating children’s nasal wrinkles

Once the allergy is addressed in youngsters, a slight nasal furrow should disappear on its own.

The need to swipe it with the allergic salute should vanish once the nose is no longer itchy or runny, and along with it, the nasal crease.

Treating adult nasal creases

Sometimes the nasal crease doesn’t go smaller by itself. Those individuals who have had untreated allergies since childhood are most prone to experience this. The allergic salutation can sometimes develop into an unconscious habit after a long period of time. Adults with chronic allergic creases should consult a dermatologist for individualized treatment options.

A hydroquinone bleaching lotion mixed with hydrocortisone may help lighten a hyperpigmented crease. Sun exposure should also be avoided. Only with a doctor’s prescription is hydroquinone accessible. Prior to 2021, it was freely accessible over the counter, but an FDA decision caused the situation to alter.

Scar excision, laser therapy, medical tattooing, and other treatments are all options for treating hypopigmented scars. In some adults, the creases around the nose may develop into atrophic, indented scars. Your dermatologist might suggest treatments like chemical peels or laser therapy.


How to prevent them.

Your best hope for avoiding nasal wrinkles is to consistently avoid environmental allergens or to treat them with medicine. Antihistamines are typical nasal allergy treatments as well as steroid nasal spray, and immunotherapy (allergy shots).

Whether you have nasal symptoms or not, rubbing your nose can become a habit. Try to avoid this by always having tissues on hand. Instead of rubbing your nose, use them to gently wipe it or to blow it.

Try to become aware of when you massage your nose and actively work to lessen those instances.

Ask your youngster to cease giving the allergy salute if you notice them doing it. It’s crucial to be consistent. Giving kids things to occupy their hands, like fidget toys, may be helpful in some cases.


In conclusion

The allergic salute can be used to wipe the noses of both adults and kids who suffer from allergies. An allergic crease may appear as a result of this activity. Allergic wrinkles typically have a weak look and are transient. Small allergic wrinkles usually go away by themselves.

Allergic wrinkles may occasionally last forever. Dermatological treatments are available to lessen or eliminate their appearance. However, effective allergy management may contribute to their avoidance altogether.


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