Being able to choose from so many different contraceptive methods is a real blessing.

We have a birth control approach that works for everybody and every lifestyle, unlike previous generations.

The intrauterine device, sometimes known as the “IUD,” is one of the most widely used methods of birth control.

As a long-term method of birth control, IUDs are an excellent choice for those who don’t anticipate getting pregnant for a while.



If you have an IUD, using tampons is entirely safe.

IUDs are excellent birth control options, and they almost never come undone.

Your tampon’s vaginal location won’t prevent your IUD from being implanted in the uterus.


You might be concerned about whether you can continue to use your preferred period products, such as tampons because an IUD is inserted inside your uterus. We’ll discuss whether or not tampons are safe as well as the best period care products to use while wearing an IUD. IUD:


What Is It?

IUDs are tiny, flexible devices that fit within your uterus and have a “T” shape. Your IUD device has a string attached to the bottom that your doctor can pull out whenever you’re ready to remove it.

IUDs come in two different varieties in the United States.

Copper coils are used to cover this type of IUD. These coils turn spermicidal by changing the chemical composition of the uterine fluid. Additionally, a fertilized egg has a tougher time implanting in the uterus when using copper IUDs. For those who do not want to utilize hormones, this type of birth control is a fantastic alternative.

Hormonal. Some IUDs produce progestin hormones that make the uterine lining flimsy and fluid, which almost prevents a fertilized egg from implanting. Cervical mucus thickens as a result of hormonal IUD use, making it more challenging for sperm to enter the uterus. In some cases, a hormonal IUD might also inhibit ovulation in the user.

Both varieties of IUDs are regarded as permanent methods of contraception. A copper IUD can last up to 10 years, while hormonal IUDs normally last three to five years. Your doctor must implant and remove both IUDs.


What are the advantages of an IUD?

There are numerous advantages to both copper and hormonal IUDs.

  • The moment the IUDs are inserted, they start to function. You won’t need to use a backup method of birth control until it starts working, unlike the pill.
  • Using an IUD gives you the flexibility to worry about contraception for a longer period of time than most other birth control methods because they are 99% effective when used correctly. You won’t have to depend on remembering to take a pill every day or having access to additional contraceptives when you need them.
  • IUD side effects are extremely rare. You won’t even be exposed to hormones, which may or may not cause you negative effects if you use a copper IUD.

IUDs are excellent choices for people who don’t want to have children very soon, who are done having children, or who just want a very low-maintenance method of birth control.


What are the disadvantages of an IUD?

Even though an IUD is a fantastic method of birth control, there are a few things to take into account before choosing if it is the correct choice for you.

It is long-lasting. Using an IUD might not be the best choice for you if you intend to have a kid or would like to try to have one in the coming years. Consult your healthcare physician to determine the best course of action.

There may be negative effects of hormonal IUDs. The hormonal IUD may cause negative effects comparable to those you would get with hormonal birth control pills. nausea, headache, bloating, cramps, and painful breasts.

Also having negative effects are copper IUDs. You can notice more menstrual flow and more severe discomfort while using a copper IUD. In the initial months following the placement of an IUD, you might experience irregular bleeding. If you suffer spotting, it typically goes away after a few months of using your IUD.

Expulsion. You run the risk of having your IUD slip out or become loose. Though it is unlikely, you might get pregnant if it does. It’s also possible that you are unaware that it has moved. Expulsion is a relatively uncommon occurrence that is nearly never related to the use of tampons. In fact, using an IUD and a tampon together is safe.

Tampon use when wearing an IUD

Your IUD will be implanted within your uterus by your doctor. Just past your cervix, the strings that are linked to your IUD will be visible. Below the cervix, tampons are placed into your vagina. So, since your IUD is entirely shielded inside your uterus, using a tampon won’t affect it. Inform your provider if you intend to use tampons or a menstrual cup. To ensure there is absolutely no risk that your cup or tampon may interfere with them, they may choose to slightly shorten the strings of your IUD.


If you’re using an IUD, can you start using tampons?

For the first 24 to 48 hours following the placement of your IUD, it is advised that you adopt an alternative method of period care. This is due to a slightly increased risk of uterine and vaginal infection shortly following the insertion of your IUD.

When your doctor gives you the all-clear-to-use tampons, you can do so without fear of them affecting your IUD.


Will my IUD come out if I use Tampons?

It’s extremely uncommon for an IUD to come loose or escape your uterus, but it can happen. Despite the paucity of studies on the subject, at least one of them demonstrates that the use of tampons and menstrual cups has no impact on the expulsion rates of IUDs.

Tampons and menstrual cups can both be used in conjunction with an IUD.

We advise using a tampon that is manufactured entirely of organic cotton and devoid of any chemicals that can affect your hormones or irritate your most delicate places. IUD users will love Rael’s organic cotton tampons, which even have plant-based applicators.

Your IUD may become loose or “expelled” for a number of reasons. Heavy, uncomfortable periods, not giving birth vaginally, insertion right away following vaginal delivery, and an incorrectly inserted IUD.

Even though these situations are uncommon, it is a good idea to make sure your IUD is still in place after each menstrual cycle because it is possible for it to come out.

By doing these easy procedures, you can quickly verify that your IUD is in place:

  1. Hands-off, then dry them off.
  1. Sit on the toilet, or the side of a bed, or squat while taking a shower.
  1. Reach the ends of the threads holding the IUD in place with your index or middle finger inserted into your vagina. You’ll be able to tell your IUD is in place when you can feel them.

You only need to be able to feel one string to make confident the IUD is still in place; you don’t even need to be able to feel both threads.

If my IUD comes out, what should I do?

You could start to panic if you can’t feel the strings of your IUD. Never fear; it usually just implies that they are flush against your cervix or that you are unable to feel them. Schedule a checkup with your doctor and make an appointment.

In the worst instance, your IUD can fall out without your knowledge. Even though it’s incredibly unlikely, it’s crucial to make sure your IUD is in place each month by checking for it.

Contact your doctor right away if your IUD does come out. Use a condom or another method of birth control to prevent pregnancy in the interim.

Here are a few suggestions for using Tampons with an IUD.

The strings of your IUD could only logically become entangled with the tip of your tampon if that were to happen. Make sure your provider is aware of your intention to use tampons so the string can be appropriately snipped to avoid this from happening.

Additionally, you should never use more absorbency in a tampon than you require. A tampon with a higher absorbency increases your chance of getting an infection and tempts you to use it longer than is advised.


In conclusion

If you have an IUD, using tampons is entirely safe. Your tampon’s vaginal location won’t prevent your IUD from being implanted in the uterus. IUDs are excellent birth control options, and they almost never come undone.



























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