A form of honey that is indigenous to New Zealand is Manuka honey. Bees that pollinate the flower Leptospermum scoparium, often known as the Manuka bush, create it.

Manuka honey differs from other types of honey because of its antibacterial qualities. Its active component, methylglyoxal, is probably to blame for these antibacterial properties.

Manuka honey also possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. In fact, it has long been used to treat digestive problems, soothe sore throats, heal wounds, and prevent tooth decay.



✅ A special variety of honey is manuka honey. Its impact on wound care and healing is its most prominent quality. 

✅  Additionally, manuka honey has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory characteristics that could be used to treat a variety of conditions, such as upper respiratory infections, gastric ulcers, periodontal disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.

✅ Its positive features call for more investigational research

✅ All things considered, using Manuka honey in conjunction with other traditional therapies is perhaps an efficient treatment plan that could hasten the healing process.



Here are several manuka honey health advantages supported by science.

Healing properties

Honey has been used to cure wounds, burns, sores, and boils since the beginning of time. The US FDA authorized Manuka honey as a wound therapy alternative in 2007.

While preserving a moist wound environment and protective barrier, honey has antibacterial and antioxidant qualities that guard against microbial infections in the wound.

Manuka honey has been demonstrated in numerous studies to accelerate tissue regeneration, speed up wound healing, and even lessen pain in burn patients.

For instance, a two-week study looked at the outcomes of dressing 40 patients with non-healing wounds with Manuka honey. According to the findings, 88% of the wounds shrank in size. Additionally, it assisted in establishing an acidic wound environment, which promotes wound healing.

Manuka honey may also aid in the recovery of diabetic ulcers. According to a Saudi Arabian study, using Manuka honey wound dressings in addition to standard wound care helped heal diabetic ulcers more quickly than standard care alone.

Additionally, a Greek study revealed that using Manuka honey wound dressings on people with diabetic foot ulcers shortened healing time and cleaned wounds.

Another study looked at how well Manuka honey treated surgical incisions on the eyelids. Whether the incisions were treated with Manuka honey or Vaseline, they discovered that all eyelid wounds healed successfully.

Patients did note, however, that scarring treated with Manuka honey was substantially less painful and less rigid than scarring treated with Vaseline. Last but not least, Staphylococcus aureus and other antibiotic-resistant forms of wound infections can be effectively treated with Manuka honey (MRSA).

Therefore, applying Manuka honey topically on wounds and infections on a regular basis may help prevent MRSA.


Encourages oral health

Nearly 50% of Americans, according to the CDC, have periodontal disease.

It’s crucial to reduce the amount of harmful oral bacteria that can build plaque in order to prevent tooth decay and maintain the health of your gums.

It’s also crucial to avoid completely eliminating the beneficial oral bacteria that keep your mouth healthy.

According to studies, manuka honey fights against the bad oral bacteria that cause plaque buildup, gum disease, and tooth decay. According to studies, dangerous oral bacteria including P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans are effectively inhibited from growing when manuka honey with high antibacterial activity is consumed.

In one study, researchers looked at how sucking or chewing on honey chew affected the amount of plaque and gingivitis that developed. The honey chew, which resembled a chewy honey candy, was composed of Manuka honey.

Participants were told to either chew or suck on the honey chew for 10 minutes or chew sugar-free gum after each of their three meals each day. When compared to the group that chewed sugar-free gum, the honey-chewing group demonstrated a significant decrease in plaque and gingival bleeding.

Since you’ve certainly heard that eating too many sweets might cause cavities, the thought of ingesting honey for good oral health may sound paradoxical. Manuka honey’s strong antimicrobial properties, in contrast to those of confectionery and processed sugar, make it unlikely to cause cavities or tooth decay.


Helps with a sore throat

Manuka honey could offer some relief if you have a sore throat.

Its antiviral and antibacterial characteristics can lessen swelling and combat pain-causing germs. Manuka honey not only kills harmful bacteria but also soothes the throat by coating the inside lining.

In a recent study, Streptococcus mutans, a type of bacteria that causes sore throats, was examined in patients receiving chemotherapy for head and neck cancer to see how Manuka honey affected it.

It’s interesting to note that after consuming Manuka honey, scientists discovered a sizable drop in Streptococcus mutans. Manuka honey also lessens the bad oral bacteria that contribute to mucositis, a frequent complication of radiation and chemotherapy.

The mucous membranes lining the esophagus and digestive tract become inflamed and experience severe ulcerations as a result of mucositis.

Different kinds of honey have long been promoted as all-natural cough suppressants. Honey is actually as effective as a typical cough suppressant, according to one study. Manuka honey is probably equally as efficient for suppressing coughs, despite the fact that it wasn’t employed in this study.


Helps with gastric ulcer prevention

One of the most prevalent ailments that affect people is stomach ulcers.

They are sores that develop on the stomach’s lining and cause bloating, nausea, and stomach pain. The majority of stomach ulcers are caused by a common form of bacteria called H. pylori. According to research, Manuka honey may be useful in treating stomach ulcers brought on by H. pylori.

For instance, a study in test tubes looked at how it affected biopsies of gastrointestinal ulcers brought on by H. pylori. The findings suggested that Manuka honey is an effective antibacterial agent against H. pylori since they were positive.

A brief two-week research on 12 participants who consumed 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey orally once per day found no evidence that it reduced H. pylori bacteria. In order to completely evaluate its capacity to treat stomach ulcers brought on by H. pylori, more research is necessary.

Alcoholism in excess can also result in gastric ulcers. However, a mouse study revealed that Manuka honey could help guard against alcohol-induced stomach ulcers.


Enhanced digestive symptoms

The digestive disorder irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is rather frequent.

Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and irregular bowel motions are some of its symptoms. It’s interesting to note that regular use of Manuka honey has been found to potentially lessen these symptoms.

In rats with IBS and ulcerative colitis, a kind of inflammatory bowel illness, manuka honey has been shown to enhance the antioxidant status and decrease inflammation. It has also been demonstrated to kill Clostridium difficile bacteria.

A form of a bacterial infection called Clostridium difficile, sometimes known as C. diff, results in severe diarrhea and colon inflammation. Antibiotics are frequently prescribed to treat C. diff. However, a recent study found that Manuka honey was beneficial against several strains of C. diff.

Manuka honey may be an effective treatment since it kills C. diff cells. It is significant to note that the aforementioned studies looked at how Manuka honey affected bacterial infections in test tubes and rats. To fully understand its effect on bacterial infections of the colon, more research is required.


May help with cystic fibrosis

The genetic disease cystic fibrosis damages the lungs and may also have an impact on the digestive system and other organs.

It has an impact on the cells that create mucus, resulting in excessively thick and sticky mucus. Breathing becomes challenging due to the obstruction of ducts and airways by this thick mucus.

Unfortunately, cystic fibrosis patients frequently get upper respiratory infections. It has been demonstrated that manuka honey can combat the bacteria that cause upper respiratory infections.

Two typical bacteria, Burkholderia spp. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can lead to severe upper respiratory infections, especially in weaker populations. One study looked at how well Manuka honey protected cystic fibrosis patients from these germs.

Results showed that it prevents their growth and cooperates with antibiotic therapy. Researchers came to the conclusion that Manuka honey may be crucial in the management of upper respiratory infections, particularly in people with cystic fibrosis.


Can help with Acne

However, it can also be a response to a poor diet, stress, or bacteria growth in closed pores. Hormonal shifts are the main hormonal cause of acne.

Manuka honey’s antibacterial properties, when combined with a low-pH solution, are frequently promoted as an acne treatment.

Manuka honey may help keep your skin bacteria-free, which could hasten the healing of acne. Manuka honey is also thought to lessen inflammation linked to acne because of its anti-inflammatory effects. However, the amount of study on Manuka honey’s capacity to treat acne is quite small.

Kanuka honey, which possesses antibacterial characteristics comparable to those of Manuka honey, was the subject of one study, which looked at its effects. It was discovered that kanuka honey might treat acne just as well as antibacterial soap. Manuka honey needs more study before it can be recommended as a successful DIY treatment for acne.


How safe is Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is safe to ingest for the majority of people.

However, some people, such as those with diabetes, should speak with a doctor before using it. All varieties of honey include a lot of natural sugar. Consuming Manuka honey may therefore have an impact on blood sugar levels.

  • People with bee or honey allergies. Those who are allergic to bees or other kinds of honey could experience an allergic reaction after consuming or using Manuka honey.
  • Infants. Due to the possibility of newborn botulism, a type of foodborne sickness, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not advise administering honey to infants under the age of one.


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